Know the importance, dates, tarpan method and remedies of Pitru Paksha. – Pitru Paksha

Pitru Paksha Guru Maa Nidhi Ji Shrimali has told that Pitru Paksha has great importance in Hindu religion. Pitru Paksha is also known as Shraddha Paksha. During Pitru Paksha, Shraddha and Tarpan of ancestors are performed. According to Guru Maa Nidhi Ji Shrimali, by doing work related to ancestors during Pitru Paksha, ancestors attain salvation. In this aspect, by doing work related to ancestors as per the rituals, one gets the blessings of the ancestors. Pitru Paksha starts from the full moon day of Shukla Paksha in Bhadra month. Pitru Paksha lasts till the new moon date of Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month. Pitru Paksha

This year, Pitru Paksha will start from 29th September 2023 and Pitru Paksha will end on 14th October 2023. Shraddha is performed according to the date of death in Pitru Paksha. If the date of a deceased person is not known, then in such a situation Shraddha is performed on Amavasya Tithi. Sarvapitri Shraddha Yoga is considered on this day. Pitru Paksha

Importance of Shraddha Paksha

During Pitru Paksha, the ancestors come from Pitru Loka to the mortal world to meet their descendants in a subtle form. On this side, the family members welcome their ancestors with full enthusiasm by preparing food of their choice. It is said that after receiving the honour, the ancestors become very happy and satisfied and return to the ancestral world after giving health, longevity, progeny growth and many other blessings to all the family members. According to the scriptures, by performing Shraddha in Pitru Paksha, a person gets blessings of happiness, prosperity and health. It is said that the blessings of ancestors increase the lineage of the family. According to Guru Maa Nidhi Ji Shrimali, by performing Shraddha, not only the ancestors are satisfied, but all the living beings on the earth like Vayu, Rishi, Brahma, Indra, Rudra, Sun, Fire, animals, birds and reptiles etc. are also satisfied. . Performing Shraddha brings happiness and peace in the house and family members do not have to fear untimely death. Pitru Paksha

Importance of date in Pitru Paksha

When Pitru Paksha starts, each day has a date. There is a rule to perform Shraddha according to the date. For example, this year the second Shraddha is on 30th September i.e. the second date of Shraddha in Pitru Paksha. People whose ancestors die on the second day of any month, perform Shraddha of their ancestors on the second day of Pitru Paksha. Similarly, the death of the ancestor will also happen on the ninth date of the month and paksha. They wish for Tarpan, Pind Daan etc. for the Navami Shraddha of Pitru Paksha. Pitru Paksha

Dates of Shraddha in Pitru Paksha-

Purnima Shraddha – 29 September 2023-

Pratipada Shraddha – 29 September 2023

Dwitiya Shraddha – 30 September 2023

Tritiya Shraddha – 1 October 2023

Chaturthi Shraddha – 2 October 2023

Panchami Shraddha – 3 October 2023

Shashthi Shraddha – 4 October 2023

Saptami Shraddha – 5 October 2023

Ashtami Shraddha- 6 October 2023

Navami Shraddha – 7 October 2023

Dashami Shraddha – 8 October 2023

Ekadashi Shraddha – 9 October 2023

Dwadashi Shraddha- 11 October 2023

Trayodashi Shraddha – 12 October 2023

Chaturdashi Shraddha- 13 October 2023

Amavasya Shraddha- 14 October 2023 Pitru Paksha

Do not make these mistakes in Pitru Paksha

1. In Hindu scriptures, onion and garlic are considered ‘tamasic’, which affect our senses. During the period of Pitru Paksha, one should avoid using onion-garlic in food.

2. One should not celebrate any celebration or festival during Pitru Paksha nor be a part of it. Any kind of celebration during this period affects your reverence for your ancestors.

3. The period of Pitru Paksha is considered inauspicious, hence it is advised not to start anything new during this period. During this period, family members should not buy anything new.

  4. The time of Pitru Paksha is dedicated to the ancestors, hence consumption of alcohol or non-vegetarian food should be avoided during this period.

5. One should avoid cutting nails, cutting hair and shaving during Pitru Paksha. Pitru Paksha

Pitrudev becomes happy by doing this work-

During Pitru Paksha, people arrange food to satisfy the souls of their ancestors. It is believed that if four puris, vegetables and sweets are given to cow, dog and crow every day during Shraddha Paksha, the ancestors get satisfied and become very happy. In Pitru Paksha, a tree of Bel, Peepal, Tulsi, Banyan, Banana, Banyan tree or Shami should be planted. Feeding dog and cow during Pitru Paksha is considered very auspicious. It is said that by doing this Goddess Lakshmi arrives in the house. Pitru Paksha

Correct method of offering tarpan during Pitru Paksha

Which will free you from Pitra Dosh and the souls of your ancestors will find peace. On the date of death of parents, grandparents or any family member, food should be offered to Brahmins in their name as per their devotion and capacity and the correct method of tarpan should be adopted. correct method of tarpan

Which will free you from Pitra Dosh and the souls of your ancestors will find peace. On the date of death of parents, grandparents or any family member, food should be offered to Brahmins in their name as per their devotion and capacity and the correct method of tarpan should be adopted. Pitru Paksha

Remedies for Pitru Paksha according to Guru Maa Nidhi Ji Shrimali

  • If you are not able to offer Tarpan, Pind Daan and Shraddha to your ancestors on a particular date during Pitru Paksha, then do not worry about it. In this situation, on the day of Amavasya, all the ancestors should feed a Brahmin with respect and send him off with a donation. The ancestors are pleased with this.
  • During Pitru Paksha, if you are at a place from where you cannot perform Shraddha for your ancestors or all the materials for performing Shraddha are not available, then you should stand facing south and raise both your hands while remembering your ancestors. Apologize to him for not being able to perform Shraddha. Also pray to him for bestowing his blessings on the family members.
  • During Pitru Paksha, if you are not able to perform Tarpan, Pind Daan and Shraddha of your ancestors or you are not able to find a suitable Brahmin to perform Shraddha. So take a handful of grass and feed it to a cow. This work should be done regularly. The ancestors are pleased with this and bestow blessings.
  • During Pitru Paksha, one should keep feeding bread to crows, birds, dogs and cows. Offer water to Peepal or Banyan tree. Never live in a south facing house. By chanting the mantras of Lord Vishnu and reciting Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta, one gets freedom from all kinds of debts and faults. Also observe fast on Ekadashi.
  • On Teras, Chaudas, Amavasya and Purnima days, put jaggery and ghee on the cake made from cow dung and burn it. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily and seek forgiveness for your actions. Pitru Paksha

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Like every year, this year also Lakshmi ritual is being organized from 23rd September to 7th October. Lakshmi ritual always brings blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and happiness and prosperity will reside in the house. If you also want to get the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, then Take part in this Lakshmi ritual and get the puja done in your name. This ritual will be completed by Guru Maa Nidhi Ji Shrimali and our experienced pundits with proper rituals and recitation of proper mantras. Take part in the ritual today and get the special blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and get relief from any problem. If you want to get any kind of puja or chanting done on other days then contact our institute.
Contact soon :- 9929391753

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