12 Mukhi Rudraksha
12 Mukhi Rudraksha has twelve characteristic lines on its surface. A twelve Mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by Surya (Lord Sun) who creates an intense Aura around the wearer. If the Planet Sun is Malefic in the wearer’s horoscope, then its harmful effects are also nullified by this Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha. This Rudraksha enhances the Administrative capacity of a person and therefore it is very good for Administrators, Businessmen and Politicians as it blesses them with Name, Fame, Wealth and Power. This Rudraksha is said to possess the Brilliance, Luster, Radiance and Vigor of Lord Sun and hence, the wearer is bestowed with all these virtues. The wearer also gets protection against diseases, worries, fear of armed people and wild animals. The wearer becomes courageous and trouble free and all his physical and mental sufferings are dissolved. Hence, the person is able to possess Health, Wealth & Happiness.
The wearer of a Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha becomes Energetic, Brilliant, Radiant and Strong with the blessings of Lord SUN.
As per ancient Vedic texts, this Rudraksha is said to serve as a remedy in diseases caused by an adverse placement of planet Sun in a horoscope such as diseases of Right Eye, Bones, Mental Anxiety, problems with Elders and Heart Ailments.
It is also believed that this Rudraksha represents “12 Jyotirlingas” as well as twelve forms of “Aditya” i.e. Lord Sun.
All the worries, fears and suspicions of a person diminish by wearing this Rudraksha.
Any person who wears the Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha becomes capable to lead a Happier, Healthier and Wealthier life.
A 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is excellent for those who are involved in sectors like Politics, Government service or Administration. It also helps in curing the diseases caused by the adverse placement of the Sun in the horoscope such as diseases of the Right Eye, Bones, and Mental Anxiety and it also helps in dealing with relationship complications with elders especially with one’s Father. It makes the wearer immune to heart ailments.
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