4 Mukhi Rudraksha
4 Mukhi Represents the energy of Brihaspati, the guru of the Devas. The Brihaspati energy helps the wearer to gain knowledge and wisdom. The guru energy inherent in this Rudraksha helps in realizing all the four levels of knowledge – Jagrit or waking state, swapna or dream state, sushupti or deep sleep and turiya or super conscious state of consciousness. 4 Mukhi Rudraksha helps to attain knowledge of these four states of consciousness and dispels the darkness of ignorance.
It represents knowledge and creativity
It helps to remove intellectual dullness and in obtaining spiritual faith and insight
It is an aid in meditation and spiritual sadhana
It helps those with timid, shy or suppressed predisposition and enables them to attain a growing sense of uniqueness, self-worth and creativity
Benefits of Four mukhi Rudraksha:
It helps singers and public speakers achieve greater success in their respective field
The wearer becomes organized and systematic in his/her thinking, expression including communication and behavior
It makes the wearer witty, logical and intelligent
It is highly beneficial for students, scholars, teachers, writers, journalists and researchers
Four-faced Rudraksha also helps in attaining the child. According to Mahashiva Purana, the four face Rudraksha should be held for a long time and if the recitation of Lord Mantra of Lord Shiva is done, then the salvation of any person can be attained even from the sin. By applying this Rudraksha, the concentration of mind increases and there is hope for success in various types of work related to research and science. The success of achieving this Rudraksha is achieved in the study of Vedas and religious texts. The art of sweeteners and others making themselves in speech is produced within the person. Even in removing the body diseases, this Rudraksha has been considered beneficial. All the four human beings, including salvation, attain the realization of this Rudraksha. The Buddha Planet has been considered as a factor in astrology, therefore children who study the authors should take it for granted. Intensifies the intellect and helps in making life better.
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