Parthiv Shivling

Know the importance of worshiping Parthiv Shivling in Sawan, worship method rules and benefits – Parthiv Shivling

Parthiv Shivling Guru Maa Nidhi Ji Shrimali has told that in the Sanatan tradition, Lord Shiva is worshiped in many ways. Some worship his idol and some worship Shivling. He is worshiped in many ways even in Shivling. For example, someone worships a stone Shivling, while someone worships a crystal Shivling. Some such people also worship Shivling made of gold, silver, brass and parad etc., but in all these Shivlings, the worship of earthly Shivling is considered very auspicious and the one who gets the desired boon from Lord Shiva. Parthiv Shivling

Importance of worshiping Parthiv Shivling in Sawan

According to Guru Maa Nidhi Ji Shrimali, by worshiping the Parthiv Shivling in the month of Sawan, all the sufferings in a person’s life are removed and all wishes are fulfilled. The fear of untimely death goes away from the life of a Shiva devotee who worships Parthiv Shivling and with the blessings of Lord Shiva one gets wealth, happiness-prosperity and good fortune. By worshiping them one attains salvation in the end.

The verses given in Shiva Mahapurana ‘Up Mrityuharan Kalamrityoshchapi Vinashanam. Sadh: Kaltra-Putradi-Dhan-Dhanya Pradm Dwija:. According to legend, immediately after worshiping the Parthiv Shivling, the Kaltra Putradi i.e. the daughter-in-law of the house brings wealth and grains to the house with the grace of Shiv Shambhu. His worship also fulfills all the wishes in this world. The couple who have been suffering for many years to have a child, they must worship the Parthiv Linga. Parthiv Shivling

Rules of Parthiv Shivling worship

  • To make Parthiv Shivling, use only the soil of holy river, pond or bael tree. Purify the soil by mixing milk in it.
  • Now make a Parthiv Shivling in a big worship plate by mixing cow dung, jaggery, butter and ashes in the soil facing east or north. During this chant Shiva mantra.
  • Do not make the size of Shivling bigger than 12 fingers. Being higher than this does not give the fruit of worship.
  • The prasad that is offered to the earthly Shivling during worship should not be accepted. Parthiv Shivling

Parthiv Shivling worship method

  1. Before worshiping Parthiv Shivling on Sawan Monday, invoke Lord Ganesha, Mother Parvati, Vishnu ji and Navagraha.
  2. Now worship the Parthiv Shivling with Shodashopachar method. Offer water, roli, milk, curd, ghee, honey, roli, molly, akshat, belpatra, dhatura, Shiva’s favorite flowers, hemp, ashes, perfume, etc. on Shivling.
  3. Chant Om Namah Shivay mantra 108 times after offering bhog to Bholenath. Recitation of Shiv Chalisa is also considered best.
  4. Performing aarti of Lord Shiva along with the family in Sawan Somvar Pooja destroys mental and physical diseases. Parthiv Shivling

Benefits of worshiping Parthiv Shivling in Sawan

  •   Parthiv Shivling is considered best for worshiping Lord Shiva.
  • The fear of untimely death ends by worshiping a Shivling made of clay at home during Sawan Somvar Vrat. One gets the boon of health.
  • If you want to get rid of financial crisis, then on every Monday of Sawan, make a dead Shivling and worship it duly and then let it flow in the holy river the next day.
  • According to Guru Maa Nidhi Ji Shrimali, earth worship destroys all sorrows. By the grace of Lord Shiva one gets the happiness of children. Parthiv Shivling

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