Know what is Bhadrakal, what is its relation with Shani Dev and forbidden work in Bhadrakal – Bhadrakal

Bhadrakal Guru Maa Nidhi Ji Shrimali has told that in Hindu religion, everything from worship, recitation and marriage, is done on auspicious time only. This is the reason why before any auspicious work, auspicious times are determined by looking at the almanac. It is believed that the work done on auspicious date and auspicious time is completed and successful. Bhadra Kaal or Bhadra Muhurta is not considered favorable in Hinduism. That’s why auspicious work is considered prohibited during Bhadra period. Bhadrakal

Who is Bhadra, what is its relation with Shani Dev.

Like Shani Maharaj, his sister Bhadra is also considered very dangerous. The form of this daughter of Sun God is very fierce. The color is black, the hair is long and the teeth are disordered. As soon as it was born, it started running to eat the world, destroyed the yagyas, obstructed the auspicious journeys. Due to this behavior of his, any deity refused to marry. When Surya Dev organized a swamvar for marriage, Bhadra destroyed that too. Then Brahma ji said to Bhadra that O Bhadra, you should be situated as the seventh Karan at the end of Karans like Bav, Balav, Kaulav, Taitil etc. In this way Brahma ji gave a part of time to Bhrada. Brahma ji also told Bhrada that the person who does travel, housewarming, farming, business and auspicious work in your time, you should disturb him. Destroy the work of the one who does not respect you. Bhadra accepted this thing of Brahma ji and sat down in a fraction of time. That’s why no auspicious work is started in Bhadra period. Bhadrakal

how to calculate bhadra

Muhurta is calculated according to Panchang. The main part of Panchang consists of Tithi, Vaar, Yoga, Nakshatra and Karan Muhurta. There are 11 numbers of Karan, in which there are 4 constants and 7 variables. Out of these 7 Chara Karanas, one Karana is called Vishti Karana, which is called Bhadra. Due to Chara Karana, Bhadra is always dynamic in Swarga Lok, Patal Lok and Prithvi Lok. Bhadrakal

Once upon a time, on which world would Bhadra have been?

Due to Char Karan, Bhadra is always dynamic in heaven, underworld and earth world. According to Guru Maa Nidhi Ji Shrimali, when Moon is in Cancer, Leo, Aquarius or Pisces, Bhadra resides on the earth. On the other hand, when Moon is in Aries, Taurus or Gemini, then Bhadra resides in heaven and when Moon is in Sagittarius, Virgo, Libra or Capricorn, Bhadra resides in Hades. The time Bhadra is in the world, its effect is also in that world. In such a situation, when Bhadra resides on earth, auspicious works are considered prohibited. Bhadrakal

What works are prohibited during Bhadra period

Guru Maa Nidhi Ji Shrimali told that according to the scriptures, many works have been considered prohibited in Bhadra. Like Mundan Sanskar, Grihaarambh, Marriage Sanskar, Griha Pravesh, Raksha Bandhan, Auspicious Yatra, starting a new business and all kinds of auspicious works are considered prohibited in Bhadra.

According to Muhurta Martand, auspicious works done in Bhadra are inauspicious. Kashyap Rishi has told about the very malefic effects of Bhadra. The person living his life should not do any auspicious work in Bhadrakal. If a person does auspicious work unknowingly, then all the fruits of his auspicious work can end. Bhadrakal

You can do this work in Bhadra

According to Guru Maa Nidhi Ji Shrimali, doing auspicious work in Bhadra Kaal is said to be prohibited but if you want to start a case or litigation related work is going on then Bhadra Kaal is considered the right time. Along with this, operation in Bhadra, enemy suppression, war, fire work, dispute related work, work related to weapons and all unethical work can be done in this period. Bhadrakal

ways to avoid bhadra

According to Guru Maa Nidhi Ji Shrimali, some remedies have been given to avoid the side effects of Bhadra. If you are doing any work in Bhadra, wake up in the morning and remember the twelve names of Bhadra and worship Bhadra. By doing this, there is no malefic effect of Bhadra and your work is completed without any hindrance. Bhadrakal

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